Strategy and more

Content Strategy

Make sure you have processes in place to deliver the right content to your personas at the relevant point of their customer journey. This means you are maximising the chances of them engaging with your product or service in the way you'd like... eventually bringing them towards a sale.

Product Information Sheet

Make sure you are all on the same page with product messaging, whether in-house or external.

When you launch a new product or service a lot of colleagues across your company will need to get involved. The Product Information Sheet provides a central source of information about the Product - from the promotional images that can be used, to the main benefits and copy to use to promote it.

Copy Preparation Documents

If you need to brief your copy to a copywriter or agency, it's useful to have a briefing template to make sure those briefing think about the right things. This gives a copywriter the proper informaiton to make a good job of representing your brand.

Copy storage

With all these text elements circulating around your business, it's imperative to have a central point where the latest, approved, versions are housed. That way, everyone knows they are using the latest.

There are various ways to do this, based on your copy needs and volumes. I can help you to figure out the best way forward.

Copy creation

Of course, if you need to start your copy journey from the very beginning, I can help brainstorm copy needs and help you create your copy elements.